Personal Learning Network

To be honest, I didn’t really know what a PLN was until this weeks assignments came up. I did research looking into what they were, and soon enough I was able to begin my Personal Learning Network. A PLN is an informational network that you can get knowledge and ideas from. The kind of PLN that we are making in this class are on WordPress and Twitter.

There were a few different ways that I went about building my PLN. My first idea was to search different accounts online. This worked and I felt like I found a lot of good accounts. The only thing I didn’t like about doing it this way was that sometimes I couldn’t tell if I was following the right account and it took a lot longer. My next idea was to search key words on Twitter and WordPress. For example, I would search the word ‘education’ or ‘teacher’. I found a lot of accounts like this. The only thing that wasn’t helpful about this, is that you still had to be picky about who you followed. Some of the accounts were from teachers/educators, however, their account did not seem that professional.

Something that I have enjoyed already from the accounts I have followed is that a lot of them are very relatable. Some of them even tweet things that are very comical. For example, below is a tweet from someone that I followed. This tweet is very relatable and funny.

There are also tweets that are very educational, like this next tweet. This tweet also kind of discusses some of the things that we have talked about in the first couple weeks of this class. I find it interesting that others are also on this topic.

I look forward to the many other things that I will explore with my PLN. I think this is a great way for me to figure out what I really believe because I will be exposed to many different opinions and ideas. I am hoping to keep an open-mind through this process so that I can get the best and most beneficial experience out of this.


I am enrolled in the Class Children's Literature and Literacy in the Digital Age. I am looking forward to learning more about blogging and I am hoping to keep up on the blogs once these classes are finished. Happy Blogging!!!! :)

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