Self-Care Independent Learning Project

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My Independent Learning Project did not go as planned this week. I was planning on starting to work out to see how it would affect me. I ended up coming down with a stomach flu that put a damper on that idea really quick. I decided that if I couldn’t practice what I had originally planned I would try and practice a few different things. I also continued with researching more about self-care.

Like I talked about in my post last week, there are 6 forms of self-care. Today, I want to discuss different activities that you could do to touch each of these forms.

-Become aware of what you think of yourself
-Learn to identify triggers in your emotions
-Practice meditation
-Ask for help
-Be responsible for your actions
-Help Someone
-Call your family and friends
-Go out in public and be around people
-Cuddle with someone
-Compliment others
-Do Yoga
-Drink more water
-Spend 10 minutes a day out in the sun
-Go to bed early
-Create a budget
-Take a professional development class
-Prepare for something ahead of time
-Challenge your brain
-Take a nap without an alarm clock
-Write a poem
-Read fiction for an hour
-Engage your hands
-Attend church
-Do something nice for someone is secret
-Donate money
-Practice relaxation techniques

Luckily, since my original plan of working out did not go well, my old roommate came to Chadron from Wisconsin this weekend. I was able to work on my social self-care by catching up with a friend and spending time with her. I think it is very important for your health to maintain relationships that are important to you. I am not the kind of person to reach out to my friends very well so I was very happy that she was able to come and visit again.

While being sick, I was also able to practice a form of spiritual self-care. I was able to just lay and bed and relax a little bit. This did not go as well because I was sick and had to make a trip to the bathroom quite often. It was, however, nice to take a break from work for a bit.

For my next week of self-care I am hoping to implement a lot more than just a few techniques I am hoping that I will not be sick so that I can practice the forms of self-care that I want to.