Teens and Social Media -SA #2

Who has sat at a table where every single person is on their phone? It seems like it happens to me more and more everyday. Often times, when I am with my friends we will each set our phones at the middle of the table. Whoever touches their phone has to pay for everyone’s meals. This actually works really well because what college student can afford to pay for a bunch of meals?

As for teens and technology, I think that it is becoming more and more of a big deal. The amount of teens that struggle to hold a face-to-face conversation is starting to become larger. I read an article that discussed how parents worry about the effects that technology may have on their young children while they are developing. Teens are still also developing at a rapid rate. Along with still developing, they are more developed than a child, which means that they can understand and remember a lot more.

There are studies that have shown that social media lowers a teens self-esteem and causes them more anxiety, but why? Almost all social media platforms have made teens feel depressed, anxious, lonely, and have a poor body image. Many teens are too focused on the idea of having a bunch of likes and comments. If they are not competing with other teens in that aspect, they might feel very bad.

A quote from Childmind says “When they’re not doing their homework (and when they are) they’re online and on their phones, texting, sharing, trolling, scrolling, you name it. Of course before everyone had an Instagram account teens kept themselves busy, too, but they were more likely to do their chatting on the phone, or in person when hanging out at the mall” (childmind). I find this to be very true. When I was a teen I did many things other than spend my time on technology. I played sports and when I was done with sports I went home and ate supper with my family. Then I did homework and hung out.


Another important part of being a teen is learning how to make friends. Making friends forces you to be aware of your emotions and it also helps you come to senses with talking to others. You have to talk to your friends about good and bad things and you have to learn how to communicate them. If you can’t learn how to do this without the internet, then you have some issues.

In my opinion, social media has more negative effects than positive effects. I see it in my life too. I need to start spending less time on my phone and more time with the people that I love and care about.

Digital Citizenship

As a future educator, I know that it is very important to make sure you teach your students internet/technology etiquette. Not only do you want to teach them for in school scenarios, you want them to learn so that they will also carry out these strategies at home.

The video below is a video that shows you some younger students talking about the internet. After watching the video, you will see that kids are not entirely sure what it is and I think that we need to make sure that they are more informed about it.


Like we have read in many articles, cyber-bullying is a big deal. We want to make sure that our students know how a situation like that can end up. It is not okay to cyber-bully just like it is not okay to bully at school or anywhere else. One of the articles I read talked about 7 ways to avoid cyber-bullying. I think that it had a lot of good hints on how to take care of the situation after it is done and over with. I would be interested in hearing some ideas on how to inform students of it before they do it. I think it would end better if the students never did it because they learned what could happen if they did.

Something that I find disheartening about digital citizenship if it goes wrong, is that it can fall back on the teacher. This makes it a huge responsibility for the teacher to enforce the rules. Even though teacher’s do not have 100% control over what happens in the classroom, we can still get in trouble for what our students do if it is in the classroom or during school time. Because of this, we want to make sure that we do our best to teach our students the rules of digital citizenship. We also SHOULD NOT ever let them be on technology without supervision.

The next video that I found is about being ‘netsafe’. This video is the first video in the series. They make it more of a fun way to learn how to be safe on the internet/computer. You could have you students watch a bunch of these videos in a row or you could spread it out to different days. Either way, I would recommend having your students watch almost all of them before using technology.
